Morning Sickness, Pregnancy Care, and Birth Prep

For people who are pregnant, acupuncture is an excellent option for managing symptoms in a safe, drug free way.

During the first trimester we most commonly see patients for help with morning sickness. Weekly or twice weekly treatment can help moderate your nausea, decrease instances of vomiting and improve your appetite.

Throughout pregnancy, acupuncture treatment can help with body pain, fatigue, insomnia, edema, constipation, and emotional strain.

Starting at 37 weeks we can focus on “cervical ripening” and help your body prepare for an efficient and timely labor. Twice weekly treatments from 37 weeks up to your projected due date help ensure the baby is in a good position for birth, and your cervix is soft. Regular treatments towards the end of your pregnancy can also be a nice way to rest and receive emotional support.

People often ask if we can perform acupuncture “inductions”. While acupuncture treatments will not be as strong a stimulus as a chemical induction, we can help to nudge your body towards the finish line and remove any barriers to your labour progressing.  

The Acupuncture Hub is an LGBTQ+ friendly clinic. We recognise that people of all genders can become pregnant and we are here to provide accessible, non-judgmental support to anyone seeking care.